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Who We Are

The US Targhee Sheep Association is a member-driven organization to register, promote, advocate, improve upon, and further develop the Targhee breed. The association not only helps Targhee breeders individually but to strengthen the sheep industry in the U.S. as a whole. 


Why Join?

This organization creates a central location for support across the Targhee Breed. In order to preserve and grow the breed, being a part of the association automatically welcomes you into the fold. Within the association, we promote our breeders, in addition to supplying resources and a community to rely upon. 

Member Resources

Association Membership Application

To apply for membership with the United States Targhee Sheep Association, please click below for the form connected with the Associated Registry.

To apply register sheep with the United States Targhee Sheep Association, please click below for the form connected with the Associated Registry.

  • Membership fee is $26 for a lifetime membership + a $25 annual fee – due to the USTSA in January of the current year.

  • Memberships are not required for bona-fide FFA or 4-H members to register sheep at member’s rates unless young people intend to show and sell animals at the National Show & Sale.

  • There is an additional charge to register any animal over two years of age.

  • If return of Registration Certificate is required within 21 days of the date mailed, a “RUSH” fee of double the normal fee is charged. Write “RUSH” on the envelope and application.

  • Transfer fees, if recorded more than 45 days from the date of sale, are doubled.

  • The U.S. Targhee Sheep Association recommends inspection for registration take place at approximately 1 year of age.


After June 1, 2024:

Fees will increase to the following cost for members:

Ram Registration (under two years of age): $10.00
Ewe Registration (under two years of age): $7.00
Ram Registration (over two years of age): $15.00
Ewe Registration (over two years of age): $12.00

Sheep Identification

Left Ear

Left ear belongs to the individual breeder.


Breeder’s flock tag is minimum identification.


Information required on registration application:

  1. Breeder’s Flock Tag Number

  2. Sex (Ewe or Ram)

  3. Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)

  4. Type of Birth (Single, Twin, Triplet, etc.)

  5. Sire Registration Number (5 digits)

  6. Sire Flock Tag Number (We discourage alpha-numeric numbers; i.e. Pink 102)

  7. Dam Registration Number (5 digits)

  8. Dam Flock Tag Number (We discourage alpha-numeric numbers; i.e. Pink 102)

Right Ear

Right ear belongs to the association.


Sheep passing inspection have an association registration number on a certificate with:


  1. A corresponding Association ear tag (imprinted with the Certificate Number) in their right ear.

  2. A tattoo with the Certificate Number tattooed in their right ear. 

  3. ​

When ear tags are lost, replacement tags should have the same numbers.
Replacement tags are available through the Association Secretary for a fee.

Inspection Policy

The U.S. Targhee Sheep Association was developed from animals released by the U.S. Sheep Experiment Station in Dubois, Idaho. The offspring are examined by owners or official inspectors to meet Targhee Standards. The Association Secretary prepares registration certificates after owners inspect their animals and complete the appropriate application forms. Approved animals are tagged (with Association ear tags) and tattooed.


 Approved animals are tattooed with the Association ear tag number. At the discretion of the owner, an Association ear tag may also be inserted. When Association ear tags are not inserted, they are to be kept with registration certificates. Should a registered sheep having not been tagged with an Association ear tag be sold, the tag shall be given to the new owner at the time of sale. The new owner may then insert the Association tag if they so desire. Association ear tags are also available at no cost to breeders through the Association Secretary.

Association By-Laws

To access the Association By-Laws, please download the PDF below

Breeders Regsistry

To access the breeders registry, please download the file below

Helpful Links

American Sheep Industry

State Associations through American Sheep Association

National Sheep Improvement Program

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